J. Frank Dobie Pre-K Center


 Janet Chaparro

I am a very excited to be the Counselor at Dobie Pre-K Center. I received my Bachelor's Degree in American Literature from The University of Texas at El Paso and my Master's Degree in School Counseling from Lamar University. I am certified to counsel young children, adolesents and adults. I have been in the education field for over 5 years and I am very passionate about everything I do. My job is to provide support services to all our beautiful children in an accepting, caring and nurturing environment that will help them thrive academically, emotionally and socially. 


 Why School Counseling?

School counselors provide counseling programs in three critical areas: academic, personal/social, and career. These services and programs help students resolve emotional, social and behavioral problems and help them develop a clearer focus or sense of direction. Effective counseling programs are important to the school climate and a crucial element in improving student achievement.

Services Provided at Dobie PK:

¨ Guidance Lessons

¨ Individual Counseling

¨ Group Counseling


· When the child cries constantly and continually at school

· When the child consistently looks sad or depressed (due to recent death in the family, divorce, separation or other)

· When the child’s behavior at school is frequently out of control

· When the child is constantly anxious

· When the child  is bullying others or is being bullied by others

· When the child struggles socially due to poor social skills

· When the child has low  self-esteem

· Other/s


How School Counseling Works

· These counseling sessions are free of charge to the parent. There is never a charge for these services.

· The counselor will meet with the child for 5 weeks to work on the issue/s of concern.

· The child will be picked up from the class once a week and will work with the counselor for 30 minutes each week.

· All the information discussed in counseling sessions will be kept confidential. Confidentiality will only be bridged when  required by law. (See the counselor for more information about this).


How do I Request Counseling Services for my Child?

Ask your child’s teacher for a  Counseling Services form to complete, sign and return to the teacher. You can also turn it in the office or with Ms. Chaparro. The counselor will notify the parent when the child  begins sessions and when the last session is provided.