My name is Maria del Carmen Hanley. I was born in Monterrey, Mexico. I have a Bachelor in Early Childhood from Centro de Estudios Universitarios. In 2011 earned a Masters in Family Education Counseling from Centro Unviersitario Villanueva linked with Universidad Complutense of Madrid Spain. I have been married for over 28 years to Mr. Hanley and we have two adult beautiful children.
I have over 10 years of experience working with the Head Start Program and Preschool children.
My favorite things to do are:
Teaching Parenting Skills, Camping, Wall Climbing, ride my bicycle
And Traveling.
These are some of the Adult Classes we have at Dobie Pre-K:
Parenting classes
Recycling Club
Maestro en Casa English Class
Walking Club
Crochet Class
Truancy Classes
Volunteer Parent Engagement
These are some of the many services and partnerships we provide:
Food Pantries Resources Information
Clothing and Furniture resources
Translations and Interpretations
Job Training
Employment assistance Information
Housing and temporary shelter information
Low cost medical insurance resources and may other services families may need.